"This is Love" - 16x20 Original Painting Framed

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Framed Holiday Originals-4.png

"This is Love" - 16x20 Original Painting Framed

from $450.00

This is Love is a chance to pause and look again. For years we've listened to Christmas songs and seen brilliant advertising promoting shared joys and silent nights. We've driven by nativity scenes and walked past the Santas ringing bells at the entrance to our favorite stores. But times are changing and perhaps so is our approach to this time of year. In 2022, you are invited to slow down, come a little closer and consider the love extended to you. More than just a baby, more than a historical account. Father, Spirit and Son offer a hope that is unlike any other. This is Love is inspired by 1 John 4:10, "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." -Marisol

  • 16x20 acrylic and gold ink on linen canvas (approx 20x24 framed)

  • Finished with protective varnish

  • Please allow 7-14 days for final preparation and shipping. An additional layer of protective varnish will be applied prior to shipping.

  • Every original piece comes with a signed Certificate of Authenticity that includes the message and meaning of the piece.

Jesus, the Savior sent to save us is re-presented again. Not in a manger, but from the Father’s hands, wrapped in the Holy Spirit. The hands emerge as if from fire. Under the wing of the dove you see a window into space, the stars, a reminder that this birth separated time and space for humanity. The baby is wrapped, protected and presented as a gift, love as gold pours forth from the Fathers hands. Hints of glowing red around are a reminder that He will be given a second time - as a sacrifice of love for all mankind.

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