ORIGINAL PIECE | "The Unmasking" (24x36)

Literally All the Frames (6).png
Literally All the Frames (2).png
Literally All the Frames (6).png
Literally All the Frames (2).png

ORIGINAL PIECE | "The Unmasking" (24x36)


Acrylic and molding compound on wood cradled board. 24x36x2

  • Please allow 7-14 days for final preparation. An additional layer of protective varnish will be applied prior to shipping.

  • Every original piece comes with a signed Certificate of Authenticity that includes the message and meaning of the piece.

  • Custom Framing with brass nameplate is available.

This piece is the most impactful of the Blueprints of Light series. It was developed in 2021 as we began to regroup and face our new realities. Drawing from Nehemiah 8, it depicts a man of stone cracking at the light of the Word rediscovered. It begs the question, “Aren’t you tired of being stone?” The flags of the nations cover his form. .His skin is made with a thick stone texture that has been physically cracked to expose his eye that weeps at the truths he is confronted by. The scales fall from the eyes and a heart of flesh replaces the stone one.

Gold accents shift and glow in different lighting environments. A truly breathtaking and thought-provoking image.

Excerpt from the Message & Meaning:

This piece features sculpted stone texture that was actually cracked to created the broken effect. A powerful depiction of stone to flesh. Powerful light emanates from the living scroll and flecks of gold ascend into the dark atmosphere. The man is “every man” - enclosed in the stone of his own brokenness. He is covered in the flags of the nations - God is calling individuals and the nations of the world. The flags on his chest begin to color to show the warming of his heart. It leads up to the eye where a crack forms and the scales fall. The real man underneath weeps as he is coming back to life.

- Inspired by Nehemiah 8 after the walls have been rebuilt, the community comes together as one at the Water Gate (the only gate that was not destroyed) to hear the reading of the scrolls.

There were many generations represented.

- Some older who were still left and might remember a time where the worship of God was central to their lives and culture.

- Many more who had grown up in the culture of exile and only heard stories of what once was.

- The young who likely never even heard the words their people had been given by God.

Then comes the moment the scrolls are read. Can you imagine hearing God’s words for the first time in decades or even in your entire life? It says upon hearing it — the entire community wept openly.

- Do you remember that moment in your life? When His truth penetrated past your stony exterior and pierced your heart? When the scales fell off your eyes? When the mask came crumbling down…

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” - Ezekiel 36:26

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